Serious sam the first encounter
Serious sam the first encounter

serious sam the first encounter

I mean this game has not one, not two, but three headless baddies waiting to blow you away with guns, missiles or even by exploding in your general vicinity. From chain gun packing mutant scorpions to the large-mouthed horned toads, Serious Sam creatures take the cake for the strangest menagerie you'll ever find in a shooter. Did I say bizarre? Well, bizarre - or any single word, really - can't capture the truly disturbing creatures you'll find in seething packs in Serious Sam. And good thing too, because you're not going to have a lot of time to perfect your shot without getting overwhelmed by the seemingly endless hordes of bizarre creatures the game throws at you from the get-go. Excellent default controls make tinkering with the keyboard and mouse set-up unnecessary for all but the most anal of players. Serious Sam plays like most First Person Shooters, just a lot faster.

Serious sam the first encounter